czwartek, 29 maja 2014

The media

1 )The song of Manic Street Preachers- Kevin Carter "Kevin Carter" Hi Time magazine hi Pulitzer Prize Tribal scars in Technicolor Bang bang club AK 47 hour Kevin Carter Hi Time magazine hi Pulitzer Prize Vulture stalked white piped lie forever Wasted your life in black and white Kevin...

niedziela, 25 maja 2014

The Bang Bang Club (movie)

"All of the people that say that it's our job to sit there and watch people die" The Bang Bang Club review by "The Guardian": The screening of The Bang Bang Club at the Tribeca film festival gave additional pause for thought, coming as it did in the same week as the deaths...

The Bang Bang Club

"You are making a visual here. But inside something is screaming, "My God.'" ~Kevin Carter Though legendary in photojournalism circles, the Bang Bang Club never formally existed. It was really more of a bond among four young photographers — Kevin Carter, Greg Marinovich, Ken...

João Silva - an unbroken man

João Silva is a war photographer based in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is the last working member of the Bang-Bang Club. Silva has worked in Africa, the Balkans, Central Asia, Russia, and the Middle East. On 23 October 2010, Silva stepped on a landmine while on patrol with US soldiers in Kandahar,...

Ken Oosterbroek

Oosterbroek was shot and killed by peacekeepers in Thokoza township, about 25 km east of Johannesburg, on 18 April — days before the 1994 elections in South Africa, the country's first all-race elections. He and other photographers were covering a clash between peacekeepers and the African National...

Kevin Carter- life and death

Kevin Carter was an award-winning South African photojournalist and member of the Bang-Bang Club. He was the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize for his photograph depicting the 1993 famine in Sudan. He committed suicide at the age of 33. He had started to work as a weekend sports photographer...

poniedziałek, 12 maja 2014

Greg Marinovich biography and achievements

Greg Marinovich, born in South Africa in 1962, is a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer and is co-author of The Bang Bang Club, a non-fiction book on South Africa’s transition to democracy. He has spent 18 years doing conflict, documentary and news photography around the globe.  His photographs...